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The Power To Change Is At Your Fingertps.


Your Future Starts Now!

Fire Your Boss Today!!!!!


Do you want to make money from home while you’re sleeping and doing other activities?  If so, then we have the opportunity of a lifetime waiting for you.




This program has been life changing.  I've got income coming in and a flexible schedule.  I'm in charge!  I feel empowered! I can't believe how easy it has been to earn money and achieve rewards."

Jocelyn R.,

Dallas, TX

I joined the Spartan PS Platinum Program earlier this year after my divorce. I felt it would be a great investment opportunity for me. I thought I would just wait for that end of the year check, but after one of the meetings with a few of the other Spartan PS representatives and learning of their success, I went ahead and put out a few brochures at the gym and several office buildings. In one month and with only seven days of work, I made over $500.00. I can't wait to see what two weeks of work will bring in! 


Kellie P.,

Orlando, FL

I just started the program about two months ago. I put a few brochures in some local dentists' offices and hair salons/barber shops. Not only have I made my initial investment back, but  I've referred three people to the program. I didn't know starting a business could be so easy. I'M BUILDING MY EMPIRE!


Wilson R.,

Tampa, Fl

I’m one of those people always looking for an opportunity to make money. I tried selling make-up, vitamins and the juices, but I soon realized the only one making money was the company.  I had to buy so much up front and have it on hand.  I was stuck with product that I didn’t want or need.  As I looked for a better opportunity to make some real money, a friend approached me about the Spartan PS program.  I got rid of all the other stuff I had – either through Craigslist or yard sales – and took a leap of faith.  I started the program as a Silver Spartan.  Within my first week, I sold 2 devices.  Within a month, I sold 15 devices and by the end of my second month, I sold 40 devices!  I was doing so well I decided to move up to the Gold Spartan level.  I’ve referred 4 more people to the program.  This is the best part-time job ever!


Christoper L.,

Tampa, FL

We joined the Spartan Platinum program after meeting the inventor and founder.  We saw the great opportunity to get in on the ground floor. In this day and time, everyone needs some form of protection.  This device is one of a kind.  There is nothing like it on the market.  Joining was a no brainer.  The potential to earn a substantial income is great.


Matthew K.,

Birmingham, AL




I’m a college student and received a Spartan device as a gift.  I thought it was the most inventive thing I’ve seen for personal safety.  Many students and parents asked me where I got it so I checked with my mom.  She purchased it from the internet.  As I was checking out the site, I saw there was an opportunity to sell the device.  I thought I could really be good at selling this device particularly on campus.  I called them up and got all the information about the program at Spartan PS.  My mom thought it was great.  During the summer before school started, I passed out my business cards and brochures.  In the month of August, I sold 213 devices.  The money I made will carry me through the entire semester.  I’ll be able to focus on my schoolwork without having to worry about money.  Now, my mom’s joining!


Jane G.,

Fort lauderdale, FL


More testimonials to come.

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